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These are the sectors of Tad's brain: * * * JTK.CA * *

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Copyright © Jonathan Tad Ketchen (JTK.CA)

Dear Earthlings,

Pray for me. I still love Jesus with all my heart, but I've grown rather disillusioned with organized religion and haven't been involved with any church for a while. Part of it is my own selfishness. My nudism is a big part of my life and belief system, and the topic was making people uncomfortable at my church. I was asked to no longer bring up my website in conversation, and I eventually decided to cease attending the church because I hate having to cut myself in half to make people happy. 1 John 2:15-17 has always been a passage that convicts me because I'm notoriously guilty of the three things it warns against. "The boasting of what I have and do" is the biggest of the three, in my case. I find it very hard to not give people my website address when meeting them. I'm very narcissistic, which I know is not a virtue.

The Bible passage also warns against "the cravings of sinful man and the lust of his eyes." With the exception of some sexual experimentation with a friend in my early teens, I've been single and celibate my whole life, which at 38 is very hard to deal with. I've lost count as to how many girls have wanted to "just be friends." Fortunately, some of them meant it and still are close friends. I've always tended toward having girls as my best friends. Even at my 7th birthday party, 4 of my 5 guests were girls. I am not a typical guy. Maybe I relate to girls better because I'm not into sports, I love the shopping mall, and I'm a creative artist, poet, and hopeless romantic.

Take care. And stay close to Jesus. We can communicate with him anytime. Even if the computer crashes and the phone dies, he's always with us.

Love in Christ
(the best kind),

Tad (JTK.CA)
Artist, Poet, Photographer, Nudist Christian,
Playwright, Singer/Songwriter, & Nude Model
JONATHAN TAD KETCHEN (JTK.CA) (Word & Image Galleries by Tad {JTK.CA})
(519) 780-1057
Guelph (pronounced "Gwelf"), Ontario, Canada, eh?

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